Today, I've got good news. There are two contests. One, to win a restyling and photoshoot at L&L and the other a new outfit from Supertrash at COSI COSI. Can I have an applause?
Restyling & shoot... @ L&L
Sorry, but this one is only for the Belgian girls. The shoot is in Belgium, and yeah, that far away if you life in the U.S.
You'll be picked up at your home as a special guest, and you'll be prepared fot this exciting day. Jani Kazaltis, a very known Belgian stylist, will be you guide true the day. He'll help you search for the perfect outfit at L&L. After that, your hair and make-up will be done, and you're ready for the photographer. Your pics will be used for the L&L winterspecial. The day will be closed with a big surprise. Guess wat that will be? PARTYYY...
Wonna enter this contest? Go to!

Haven't found the perfect winter outfit? Found the solution. Nina gives 5 duo's a great new outfit at COSI COSI. You can shop fot 400 euro(!). You can chose who you're gonna take with you; your sister? BFF? Or even your mom... You wanna have all this? Send before 17 september, a cute pic of yourself and the person who you're gonna take at The subject has to be 'SuperTrash'. And tell us why you would like to win. Don't forget your name, adress and telephone number. The winners will be called.
Problem with your hotmail? Don't panic, you can also send a lettre with the same info and picture to :
Brusselsesteenweg 347
1730 Kobbegem
very nice blog :)
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